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Kids Urgent Care and Primary Care for Strep Throat Testing

Strep throat is a medical condition that develops due to a bacterial infection in the throat. The throat will feel sore and scratchy and look red and inflamed. Swollen tonsils are also a factor of step throat. If left untreated, it can lead to more serious problems such as scarlet fever or rheumatic fever. Strep throat can occur in patients of all ages. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, most cases occur in children aged 5 through 15. Our pediatric clinic is here to aid in the wellbeing of your child by treating pain from strep throat appropriately.

Causes of Strep Throat

Strep throat is caused by streptococcal bacteria, which also known as “strep” for short. There are different forms of bacteria that range from mild to more severe. This bacteria is formed as white spots and red spots that align the throat. It is important to note that sore throats do not always indicate the prevalence of strep throat. The best way to determine the difference is to notice that with strep, only the throat and tonsils are affected and inflamed. For individuals with a sore throat, symptoms such as a runny or stuffy nose, sneezing and coughing, and painful swallowing, fever, and chills, swollen lymph nodes are also present.

How We Diagnose and Go About Testing for Strep

To diagnose strep throat, a pediatrician at Pediatrics on Demand performs a physical examination including checking one’s temperature, feeling the lymph nodes, examining the throat, and performing a rapid strep test or throat culture. A rapid strep test involves swabbing the throat and running a test on the swab. The strep swab is the final indicator of strep throat and will come up in the lab reading as positive, indicating whether the patient is infected with the bacteria.

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Choose Pediatrics On Demand for Strep Throat Testing and More!

If you suspect you or your child may have strep throat, it is time to schedule an appointment with our pediatric urgent care clinic. Strep throat is best treated with antibiotics and the sooner they are taken, the sooner one can feel better and prevent the spread of the infection. Strep throat is not a condition to be left untreated, so don’t wait to have your child seen by appointment with a pediatric doctor. Call our Oak Lawn office at (708) 424-0900 for treatment, medical care, and more!

swabs for checking strep throat testing