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Cough Treatment Available at Pediatrics on Demand

Pediatrics On Demand understands how uneasy a child’s cough can make the parents. Whether your child’s cough is mild or severe, our pediatric doctors can provide patients with the cough treatment they need to remove mucus, irritating substances, and infections from the respiratory tract. Children can endure a cough anywhere from several times a day up to a couple of weeks if they have viral infections. A cough that lasts more than two to three weeks should prompt parents to have their child visit a pediatrician and receive cough treatment. Our pediatric urgent care and primary care are ideal when it comes to assessing the severity of your child’s cough and for providing a suitable cough treatment.

Different Types of Cough

Coughing is a symptom that can be tied to many illnesses and conditions. The characteristics of a cough can help you get down to the cause of the conditions. Below are the different types of cough children most often come into contact with.

  • Wet cough

    A wet cough is prone to bringing up mucus. This type of cough is commonly caused by the flu or by a common cold. They are significant for creeping up on children slowly or quickly and can possibly be accompanied by a runny nose, postnasal drip, and fatigue. The duration of this cough can indicate its cause as it can be acute or chronic.

  • Dry cough

    Dry coughs are associated with a tickling sensation lying in the back of the throat, triggering the cough reflex and giving hacking coughs. These coughs can be prevalent due to inflammation or irritation within the respiratory tract with no excess mucus to cough up. This type of cough is most often caused by upper respiratory infections, such as a cold or the flu.

  • Croup cough

    Croup is a viral infection that is usually found in children in 5 years of age or younger. Croup causes the upper airway to become irritated or swollen. When swelling further narrows the airway, it can become difficult to breathe.

  • Paroxysmal cough

    This kind of cough is accompanied by intermittent attacks of uncontrollable coughing. This cough can leave a child feeling exhausted and in pain. Some people may struggle to breathe. A bad coughing fit can be tied to asthma, COPD, pneumonia, or tuberculosis.

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    Choose Pediatrics On Demand to Relieve Your Child’s Cough

    Any kind of cough can be caused by an underlying condition or the simple case of a common cold. Our pediatric clinic is here to carefully asses your child’s condition in order to prescribe a cough treatment that will be most effective in fighting a cough. Contact us today to make an appointment or for any concerns you might have regarding your child’s cough.

    cough treatment