
The COVID-19 Antibody Test: What You Should Know About Antibodies and Accuracy 

The body is a remarkable machine with a precise memory for viruses and infections.  This short-term and long-term memory—so to speak—is what protects us and helps us fight off infections throughout our lives. As your children grow, they are exposed to pathogens that they build immunity for. Our cell’s ability to “recognize” viruses has helped […]

Radiology’s Role in Kids Health and Recovery: A Look at Medical Imaging & its Amazing Technology 

When glimpsing within the human body became a scientific reality, it understandably led to much curiosity and commotion. It was the late 1900s, and the medical field was experiencing growth and innovation at ground-breaking speed.  A technology that allows a view into the body? It was only the beginning. Today, advancements in both the process […]

Seasonal Sniffles: 4 Signs That Your Child Can Benefit from Allergy Testing 

As planting season rolls in, flowers perk up, grass regains its lush green demeanor, and pollen attaches itself to the warm breeze while millions of Americans across the country begin their seasonal sniffles. More than 50 million Americans experience some form of allergy each year. Spring is a well-known allergy season but several kinds of […]

COVID-19 Testing: What to Know and Expect From the Different Tests 

March of 2021 will mark a year or so since the attitude towards COVID-19 began a radical shift in the United States. The country went from cautious to serious and widespread concern, as various countries around the world experienced the rapid spread and consequences of the virus. Since then, as far as medical advancement is […]

The Emergence and Advancements of Telemedicine: What You Need to Know About Telehealth 

In the year 2020, the phrase “going to the doctor” changed considerably for a large portion of the population. As the pandemic began shutting down our cities, businesses, and—in some cases—medical offices and facilities, providers had to figure out a way to continue the communication with their patients without unnecessarily putting them and their staff […]

The Big Three: Cold, Flu, & Strep Throat – A Guide to Prevention and Treatment

As fall and winter set in, there is more than just colder weather and hot chocolate in the forecast; for many, there is a high chance of flu and a probability of colds with a percentage of strep throat. For the first few years of life, children’s little bodies and immune systems are being exposed […]

The Importance of Maintaining Essential Vaccinations Through the COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID-19 has changed the way we do a lot of things in this country, at least for the immediate future. Dining at a restaurant, going grocery shopping, visiting the bank, or going to the post office isn’t how it was a mere seven months ago. At the same time, our attitude towards health and visiting […]

History of Chickenpox and How the Vaccine Changed Everything 

Schools are like little germ factories. Parents out there know this quite well. Children are curious creatures that get into anything, don’t often wash their hands thoroughly, and sneeze and cough on everything around them. Their little bodies are also getting exposed to all kinds of new pathogens as their immune systems are building up.  […]

Common Bone Fractures in Kids and What to Expect 

Ok, so little Lucy was on the monkey bars and decided she wanted to try her hand at long-distance jumping, but her hand slipped and she landed wrong. Maybe little Lucy was feeling inspired and tried one of those awesome Tony Hawk skateboarding moves but was not quite as airborne as she thought and kapow! […]